Darren Stevenson

Darren has worked in financial services since 1991 and has built up relationships with clients lasting for many years in all aspects of financial planning. More recently Darren has also started working in the equity release arena.

When looking to buy a new home, Darren understands how much it means to the client to have the keys to that door and will exhaust every avenue before saying it cannot be done. He will also explain and arrange plans to protect the mortgage and your family, should the worst happen. Darren also advises on buy-to-let mortgages whether they are personally owned or within a limited company and helps clients build property portfolios.

Regarding retirement planning, Darren is known for explaining things in plain English rather than baffling clients with jargon leaving them with a good understanding of where they are currently and the next steps forward.

Darren also works in the corporate sector with small to medium sized businesses helping them understand both retirement planning and business protection.

Outside of work, Darren loves the outdoors and spends a lot of his time training or working his two labrador gun dogs. He is also a keen clay pigeon shooter entering competitions as well as being the treasurer of his local clay pigeon shooting club.


Contact me.

Telephone. 07811 262474
Email. darren.stevenson@vfmg.co.uk